v. 6, n. 1 (2019)

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Dossier Temático (revisto por pares)

Introdução: Recent Research on Iberian Polyphony c.1500: Music, Composers, Sources, and Transmission 1-4
João Pedro d'Alvarenga, Esperanza Rodríguez-García Resumo PDF

On the Transmission of Iberian Polyphonic Music in the Early Decades of the Sixteenth Century: Some Philological Issues Revisited 5-28
João Pedro d'Alvarenga Resumo PDF

What did the Composer Antonio de Ribera Learn from Alonso Pérez de Alba at Seville Cathedral? A New Look at Ribera’s Missa Sine Nomine and Devotional Motets 29-62
Esperanza Rodríguez-García Resumo PDF

Re-examining Pedro Fernández de Castilleja Again: Was he a more Important Contemporary of Peñalosa than we Assumed? 63-90
Grayson Wagstaff Resumo PDF

Textual and Chant Traditions of the Kyries tenebrarum in Portugal, and Polyphony around 1500 91-112
João Pedro d'Alvarenga Resumo PDF

From Anchieta to Guerrero: The Salve Regina in Portuguese Sources and an Unknown Early Spanish Alternatim Setting 113-156
Bernadette Nelson Resumo PDF

Two Unnoticed Portuguese Villancicos in a Sixteenth-Century Italian Songbook 157-182
Nuno de Mendonça Raimundo Resumo PDF

The Polyphonic Songs Attributed to Pedro de Escobar 183-210
Tess Knighton Resumo PDF

The Dating of the Cancioneiro de Paris and a Proposed Timeline for its Compilation 211-232
Nuno de Mendonça Raimundo Resumo PDF

Recensões: Livros

Laura Albiero, Repertorium antiphonarum processionalium (Lugano, Vox antiqua, [2016]) 233-236
Océane Boudeau Resumo PDF

Juan Pablo Rubio Sadia, La transición al Rito romano en Aragón y Navarra: Fuentes, escenarios, tradiciones (Napoli, Editrice Domenicana Italiana, 2018) 237-242
Elsa De Luca Resumo PDF

Recensões: Gravações

Ruy Coelho: O violino d’Orpheu, Alexander Stewart, Philippe Marques, Ensemble mpmp (CD mpmp, 2015) 243-250
Luís M. Santos Resumo PDF